Prince George's County Public Schools Diversity Profile

Employer: Prince George's County Public Schools
City: Washington DC Area
State: Maryland - MD

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS), one of the nation’s 25 largest school districts, has 208 schools and centers, more than 130,000 students and nearly 19,000 employees. The school system serves a diverse student population from urban, suburban and rural communities located in the Washington, DC suburbs. PGCPS is nationally recognized for innovative programs and initiatives that provide students with unique learning opportunities, including arts integration, environmental and financial literacy, and language immersion.


Our mission defines our purpose and the scope of our work. It communicates why we exist and what we hope to contribute to society:

Provide a transformative educational experience anchored by excellence in equity – developing 21st century competencies and enabling each student’s unique brilliance to flourish in order to build empowered communities and a more inclusive and just world.


Our vision paints the image of a premier educational environment that values the rich uniqueness of who we are as we develop and equip life-long learners, leaders, empowered proponents of justice and prosperous communities to thrive in the global society:

A culturally responsive district developing distinguished learners, leaders, voices of social justice, and advocates for humanity for the world of today, tomorrow, and beyond.


Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) is poised for transformation.

The global pandemic of 2020 ushered in a new era of unprecedented change. It revealed pockets of untapped creativity and innovation, exposed challenges in our traditional concepts of equity, gave rise to creative teaching and learning models, and fundamentally transformed education paradigms.

The demand for equity and innovation in education is more significant now than ever before. Equity in PGCPS is ensuring each student has what they need to receive a student-centered education that empowers them to be active participants in their learning experience and contributors in creating and sustaining thriving communities.

As PGCPS considers this pivotal turning point in our society and in public education, the district reaffirms and documents its commitment to educational excellence in this PGCPS STRATEGIC PLAN. 


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